About Lynnette Bolton

lynnette-boutLynnette Bolton is a fully accredited registered personal trainer. With over twenty-five years’ experience in the fitness industry, she is a qualified leader who keeps up to date with the latest developments in the world of health. She is continually learning and sharing her knowledge with her clients to improve their overall wellbeing.

She is a confident group exercise instructor, incorporating Spin, Thump boxing and Zumba. She regularly runs Mums and Bubs training and is an experienced Boot Camp Instructor. Lynnette is passionate about Pilates, specialising in remedial, on ball and mat. She is also a special population trainer and is an exercise in pregnancy specialist.

Lynnette is proud of her Weight Loss Practitioner Diploma, Diploma in Health Counselling, Yogafit Instructors Course as well as her Wellbeing Coaching level 2 qualification and has recently completed her Bio Mechanic in Human Movement qualifications.

Her corporate classes are increasing as the Gateway241 building becomes busier and she has added new instructors to her team to keep up with demand.